Trieste: Italy's Surprising Capital of Coffee
Despite being a Mecca for some of Europe's most esteemed 20th century literati (like James Joyce here), Trieste is still a largely off the radar destination, which makes it all the more attractive for a post-pandemic visit © Harald Florian /
In a continent full of incredible cities, Trieste has always been one of our favourites, so it's always good to see it getting some love from major media, like this recent article from BBC Travel, declaring it ‘Italy's surprising capital of coffee’. If coffee isn't enough to pique your interest, here's the beginning of an intro to the city we wrote a few years back:
"Situated in a unique and somewhat historically precarious position between Latin, Germanic and Slavic lands, Trieste is unlike any other city in the world, and is truly one of the most underrated and unfairly overlooked places not only in Italy, but in all of Europe.
While Rome, Florence and nearby Venice have been fixtures on the proverbial tourist map for centuries, in terms of cuisine, culture, castles and romance Trieste is second to none. Embraced by green hills on one side and the Mediterranean Sea on the other, with the snow-capped Dolomites piercing the horizon to the north, no city can honestly claim to have a more majestic setting."
If that doesn't make you wanna add Trieste to your travel bucket list, then we're going to be personally offended.....